[NEWS] 2NE1′s CL admits she proactively prevented Sandara from dating

We previously reported that despite 2NE1‘s ‘dating ban’, Big Bang‘s Seungri has been introducing Sandara Park to a number of men.

The March 27th ‘YG Family‘ special of SBS Strong Heart also revealed that Sandara’s fellow 2NE1 member CL admitted that she actively prevented Dara from going on dates.

I introduced Sandara to a number of guys,” Seungri remarked. “But one said that she hung up on him when he tried to call and talk to her.”

Sandara attempted to explain the situation and said, “That’s because CL picked up the phone and hung up on him.

Seungri has a loud voice, so when he calls Sandara, everyone in the room can hear him,” CL said. “But that day, something was strange. I felt like it was an unfamiliar man who was calling her, so I picked up the phone instead and hung up.”

When asked why she did so, CL answered, “Because I’m the leader, and we are banned from dating.”

Also on the same episode, 2NE1′s label mate Se7en evoked laughter by revealing Dara only likes younger, ‘flower boy’ type males.

Source & Image: StarNews via alkpop

About afagyel

Hello, my name is A'a. Judge me when you meet me. :)
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